- Aren't you hungry? You're only nibbling at your food. 你难道不饿吗?你总是一点一点地吃东西。
- Are you hungry? Do you have an appetite now? 你饿了吗?你现在有食欲吗?
- Were you hungry after weeding the fields? 除草后你们饿了吗
- Whet your appetite, are you hungry? 刺激你的欲望,你是否渴望?
- Aren't you hungry? You are only nibbling your food. 你不饿吗,你只是在轻咬你的食物。
- WonBin (WB hereafter) : Arent\' you hungry? 斌:肚饿吗?
- Your stomach is growling. Are you hungry? 你的肚子咕噜咕噜叫,是不是饿了?
- It is meal time, are you hungry now? 这会儿正是饭口,你饿不饿?
- I've made some rice porridge and spice cookies. Are you hungry? 我做了一些粥和香料饼干。你饿了吗?
- When you're out in the fresh air like this, it makes you hungry. 当你来外面呼吸这么新鲜的空气时,就很容易饿。
- You hungry?The grub here will make your bollocks tingle. |饿吗?
- Katie: Guys, I'm going to the cafeteria for lunch. Are you hungry? 凯蒂:两位,我要去自助餐厅吃午餐,你们饿了没?
- Are you hungry? I could stuff a whole chicken down my stomach right now. 你饿了么?我现在能把一只整鸡塞进肚子里。
- Every body loves munchies. Speaking of munchies, are you hungry, Li Hua? 我确实有点儿饿了,不过我不想把这些零食打开,我们还是等客人都到了再说吧!
- LL: Every body loves munchies. Speaking of munchies, are you hungry, Li Hua? 我确实有点儿饿了,不过我不想把这些零食打开,我们还是等客人都到了再说吧!
- LL jEvery body loves munchies. Speakinyof munchies, are you hungry, Li Hua? 我确实有点儿饿了,不过我不想把这些零食打开,我们还是等客人都到了再说吧!
- Counting has never made you hungrier! 就是有点贵了。
- A: Are you hungry? B: I could stuff a whole chicken down my stomach right now. 你饿吗?我现在可以吞下一只整鸡。
- LL:j Every body loves munchies. Speaking of munchies, are you hungry, Li Hua? 我确实有点儿饿了,不过我不想把这些零食打开,我们还是等客人都到了再说吧!
- Skipping meals can make you hungrier, moody, and unable to focus. 不吃饭同样会让你感觉越来越饿,喜怒无常,无法集中注意力。